Sunday, 16 October 2011

Exams exams exams

'Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la. Yeah right, December is still 2 months away. Now, it's the dreaded time of the year, well actually it already started like 2 weeks ago, but still it goes on, for another week, then people won't be so riled up all the time. God, I long for that day to come, and it's 5 days away. Everything has been 'exam this, exam that' and 'OH, I will do that after the exams.' Well actually you can just do it now, by the time you'd already got bored/forgot about it. But, you do what you like, doesn't concern me much.

Just one more. One more week. One more week of torture, staring down at my paper at times and screaming in my head, but hey, even if I'd study, I wouldn't remember most of it anyway (yes, it's a honest-to-goodness statement), for the past one and a half decade of my existence, I've never actually used a reference book, and when I attempted it last week, it seemed so alien. Okay maybe a bit on the exaggerated side, but still. Counting down the minutes to Friday, yayyyy. IT'S FRIDAY FRIDAY, FUN FUN FUN FUN!

Promised myself to study hard next year, like everyday, hopefully the determination of realization shows more. JUST YOU WAIT. but I'm not gonna do it to prove a point, if I feel it becomes like that, I'll probably stop midway. Oh well, insouciance for the win. Ignorance is bliss sometimes, but I'm always in the want to know -.-

Aaaaand, I stayed up til 4am to finish my book, Shopaholic takes Manhattan. If only this persistence were to be channeled into something more productive yeah? Got 2 more shopaholic books, 2 Percy Jackson ones, How I Met Your Mother S6 (And possibly 7) lined up, and loads of movies I haven't watched, which I should sometime, or they'd seem like a waste. Definitely watching Black Swan again, it's like the best movie :D Exam's not over yet and I'm already planning my uhm, vacation into the world of unreal-ism. Cheers to the end of the semester! :D

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