Sunday, 28 August 2011

What a waste.

Well, today's been a productive day, yeah? HELL NO! I've wasted my precious Sunday to watch some random college football team from who-knows-where (they got some hot players though) play against Malaysia's sucky national team. Geez, national team vs random college team. You'd think they'd actually do better. Okay maybe 1-1 is considerably okay for their standard. Hahahha x) I'm dissing on my own country's team, how patriotic of me, yeah?

And lately I've been speaking with a British accent in my mind, still trying to converse in it though, sooner or later I'll get the hang of it, yeah? And you might've noticed I end my questions with 'yeah?' instead of 'right?' that's because Maxxie Oliver does it that way and he's sooooooo awesome and hot and everything :D (RL name: Mitch Hewer)

So, during the match I kept grumbling and mumbling to leave. How sporting is that? Evidently, my mere presence is already sporting enough as I don't give a crap about sports, especially football. Football-avid fans just ignore that yeah? So in the end me, Weng Hei and Bel went out to the 7-11 to buy stuff.

Conclusion: Epic waste of time! Oh wait, there's a free shirt from wherever and supposedly lots of Gerko marks (which is highly unlikely for this sort of crap). Oh damn, I still got the fucking moral project to do and add maths homework and History notes. Hot damn, and I'm supposed to finish them in 2 days? Well cause I'll be in Pangkor for 3 days, and obviously I'm not the type to do homework on a Sunday, and I intend to go out shopping for some essential (and non-essential too) stuff for my trip so yeah. Okay nevermind, fuck moral. I'll do my History notes first, ages since I did mind-mapping and caricatures, wanna give it another go, yeah?

B. (for Bryan, BornThisWay, Balls, Boobs and what not xD)

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