To the last person I made a pinky promise to.
Dear Jayden.
Yeah, pinky promise. But alas, I forgot why we pinky promised. I know my memory is horrible, so my apologies, but whatever it was probably already umm...realized? Oh wait, I remember something about, like the 1st Ehstrians gathering, or the concert night, or the Ehstrians Pangkor trip. Either one, take your pick. Sorry, the queen's slave. Yay. :D Okay I'm too tired and lazy to write more. I wanted to but yeah. So, cheers!
Still lost somewhere in the midst of the teenage years, with wild rides, tears falling, plenty of drama, great friends and most of all the rocky road of self-discovery, but all that just makes life more worthwhile, doesn't it?
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Day 25
To the person I know that is going through the worst of times.
To myself,
You flunked your mid-terms, but don't let the bastards get you down. You are beautiful in your way. And awesome, don't forget awesome. Since you're me, I can say that, 'Awesome ends with ME.' Emotional control is crucial in times like this, and being the optimist you are, give yourself one tight slap for just that nanosecond you spent depressed that day. So what if you results suck? So what? Will the world end? Don't think so. Will you die? Not at all. Will people talk bad? They will, but just screw them and turn the other cheek. Friends are those that will be there to console you, but best friends will go like, yeah y'know. (I have no idea what I'm saying).
What's there to be 'the worst of times', every second is a gift from God, that's why it's called the PRESENT. (I just adore this quote, it's so awesome and true) For every minute you spend being sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness, not worth the barter eh? This about life, people. Sure some people may be sad-esque, but no hate from me. You were born this way. Gaga has taught us a beautiful lesson. Lessons are taught, but whether you want to learn is a totally different story.
So, like the psychiatrists would say, 'youuuuu're not saaaaaad, you are happyyyyyyyy' In a hypnotic tone. You are awesome. If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same, cause you're amazing just the way you are.
[Quoted: Lady Gaga, P!nk, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, Unknown Author, Babatunde Olantunji]
To myself,
You flunked your mid-terms, but don't let the bastards get you down. You are beautiful in your way. And awesome, don't forget awesome. Since you're me, I can say that, 'Awesome ends with ME.' Emotional control is crucial in times like this, and being the optimist you are, give yourself one tight slap for just that nanosecond you spent depressed that day. So what if you results suck? So what? Will the world end? Don't think so. Will you die? Not at all. Will people talk bad? They will, but just screw them and turn the other cheek. Friends are those that will be there to console you, but best friends will go like, yeah y'know. (I have no idea what I'm saying).
What's there to be 'the worst of times', every second is a gift from God, that's why it's called the PRESENT. (I just adore this quote, it's so awesome and true) For every minute you spend being sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness, not worth the barter eh? This about life, people. Sure some people may be sad-esque, but no hate from me. You were born this way. Gaga has taught us a beautiful lesson. Lessons are taught, but whether you want to learn is a totally different story.
So, like the psychiatrists would say, 'youuuuu're not saaaaaad, you are happyyyyyyyy' In a hypnotic tone. You are awesome. If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same, cause you're amazing just the way you are.
[Quoted: Lady Gaga, P!nk, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, Unknown Author, Babatunde Olantunji]
Monday, 27 June 2011
Day 24
To the person that I gave my favourite memory
Dear you, I'm not gonna say who,
Because you're probably holding a piece of valuable information that could cost billions of dollars and if it ends up in the wrong hands, and I don't want you to get robbed or anything so I'll just leave you anonymous, but you know who your are. Yeah, you. :)
My favourite memory is that, oh wait, I'm supposed to tell you because it's top-secret on-a-need-to-know-basis-only and can cost billions like I said like 4 lines above? But you, you better remember it cause it will be only told once. Secrets are awesome, especially it they're juicy gossip-topics but then you forget them, so yeah. This is a random overdue post, but like every other one, it's just as original and awesome (Okay, maybe not original, but I'm not a plagiarist.
Remember it my dear, remember it. If you don't, sucks to be you. And partially due to the fact that I forgot my OWN favourite memory. Hah, cheers!
Dear you, I'm not gonna say who,
Because you're probably holding a piece of valuable information that could cost billions of dollars and if it ends up in the wrong hands, and I don't want you to get robbed or anything so I'll just leave you anonymous, but you know who your are. Yeah, you. :)
My favourite memory is that, oh wait, I'm supposed to tell you because it's top-secret on-a-need-to-know-basis-only and can cost billions like I said like 4 lines above? But you, you better remember it cause it will be only told once. Secrets are awesome, especially it they're juicy gossip-topics but then you forget them, so yeah. This is a random overdue post, but like every other one, it's just as original and awesome (Okay, maybe not original, but I'm not a plagiarist.
Remember it my dear, remember it. If you don't, sucks to be you. And partially due to the fact that I forgot my OWN favourite memory. Hah, cheers!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
More recently.
Tomorrow is the annual Teachers' Day celebration for the national school level, in appreciation of our teachers for like teaching us? Pfft, sounds so generic. So yeah, this year the UBK is in charge of the event and thus we the oh-so-awkward peer counsellors had to stay back til 8pm for the still-ugly decorations. And now I'm tired.
Yesterday the school had a rehearsal for the Sports Day marching and stuff, and during marching I apparently stepped on a pebble (well I stepped on plenty of them and they hurt, but especially this one) and it got stuck in my foot until now and forever, it hurt like shit yesterday so I had to limp all over the place and to make matters worse, until 5pm. So me, limping, the whole day, leg muscle sore, crampish, painful. And the pebble probably feels so snug in my body. Bloody pebble, and marching was fun, few people couldn't bear with it. And most of them, apparently were from my class. I'm too lazy to write a whole account of this and you're probably too lazy to read it (If you read anything at all). So yeah.
Day 23
To the last person I kissed.
Dear Tek,
I kissed your hand today, I know you were like weirding out, but I did that just for this post. Smart right? So thus, here's the awkward post that people would think it's awkward and yeah. But since I'm so awesome, I did this post without having the need of being weird (or queer lol, well okay the kiss sounded gay). I succeeded though, no? Okay well there's nothing to write about, since it was just a weird impulsive hand-kiss. To be honest, I didn't actually intend on using it here, heck I even forgot today was 'The last person I kissed'-day, so yeah. But then I saw the topic of the day and this huge grin flashed across my face. Hah! Told you I could do this post, Meshell :D
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Day 22
To the someone I want to give a second chance to.
Dear Alvin, my retarded friend whom I just met this year,
I am psychic so don't think you can hide stuff from me. I know you're secretly dying for me to give you a second chance at being awesome, because somehow you failed the first time (quote; yourself).And that I will, I will give you a second chance to prove yourself worth of being included in an actual 30-Day-Letter-Challenge (30DLC) post. But until then, you're just a retarded-looking-yet-seriously-narcissistic bitch who is like so smart (but without actual common sense, just book smarts) [Intelligence and retardation have little to do with each other]. And I know you think I'm a trustworthy person, because I just am, duh. So yeah. Here's to your second chance of being awesome!
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Day 21
To the someone I judged by your first impression.
Dear Tek,
You are so what I thought of you, retarded but funny. Although I still don't know what made me think that but still, it was true. And don't you deny your retardedness, because there's no point denying what we all already know. I still sense something shady about you though. And since I'm partially psychic, yeah, you know the drill. And I can't believe your first impression of me was that I was a mature-serious guy. Well actually I am, but I never put it on my face before. There's like this perpetual smile here and I don't know how you got it, are you like, psychic too? But then again, you doubted your own prowess, so you still fail.
Dear Jayden,
While you were thinking I was a fluent-Chinese speaking guy, which is like 180 degrees around of the truth (this is epic), I was thinking that you were the kind of, well, prefect (like my dear weird friend Jeremy Tan), the good boy who finishes all his homework on time and pays attention in class like any form 1 person would expect a prefect to be, God damn I was totally wrong, no offense. Well yeah, both our first impressions of each other were wrong, but we get along swell. And I was totally in OMG-state when you said you speak Chinese at home.
Dear Jeremy,
Well you're totally not what I was expecting about you, sure you may be the generous kind awesome hardworking genius kid (okay maybe not that much anymore), but there's that perverted side of you that I never would have thought would come from a guy who looks so innocently pure like you. Guess this truly means don't judge a book by its cover eh? The first time we talked, which wasn't that long ago, at the beginning of the year (I don't know why I talked to you by the way, but I'm so glad I did), I was thinking Oh-Em-Gee this guy is like so innocent. Little did I know...Okay I guess I'm not psychic anymore, oh wait i said I was partially psychic, so I'm right. And the colourful language you possess, fascinating. And I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that you actually speak English at home. 'Cause you're like so typical Chinese, well not exactly anymore now that the image of you in my mind has been altered forever. So yeah. But we're friends right? And why the hell do you laugh for no apparent reason when you look at me? Oh well.
Dear other people who I've misjudged,
Apparently I was wrong, many times over. But first impressions are what keeps you going right, especially if they spawn from rumours, (put's on British accent) you certainly must find out! Cheers!
Day 20
To the one that broke my heart the hardest.
Dear bitch,
Yes, you, the bitch that broke my heart and left me to die. How could you? I still can't believe you actually that. Stinking lying bitch.I hate your disgusting appalling guts. You just turn, walk, fall off a bloody cliff and just die. Hah, joking, you don't even exist. I'm just like, rambling on, and it doesn't seem pretty convincing. Nobody's ever broke my heart before because yeah, no heart to break, yes I am heartless. Hah, kidding, but I didn't give my heart to anyone yet so yeah, no heartbreak, not yet anyways. Guess who? Bah. (And the most not-so-nice words I ever use is only 'bitch', I'm sure an angel aren't I?)
Monday, 20 June 2011
It's been such a bore-fest lately that if not for the 30-day letter challenge, I wouldn't even come to my blog (plainly because there's nothing much to shout about). Well, I've just finished my lunch, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner FTW. Okay, well Ruey Ying's back in school after two week touring the cities of Europe, no souvenirs for me? D: And yep, I failed my add.maths, got a mere 28 marks. There's always next term and I shall work hard. I'm so into reading right now, but don't just throw any random book at me, my brain requires at least two recommendations from two different people, then only it get's interested in the book. So I'm in the midst of reading I Am Number Four (yeah, I know, not finished yet), Mockingjay (The Hunger Games 3rd book, which I've read and re-read twice before this) and recently Confessions of a Shopaholic (just started today.)
And now I'm obsessed with this guy on YouTube, Chester See. He's like so awesome D: And hot.
Nice guys finish last, that's why I'll treat you like trash, it's not what I really want to do, but, you only date bad guys so, I'll give it my best try to, treat you the way you want me to.
Meh, nothing special going on, oh wait, it's teachers' day this Friday (it's Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday, yeah...) at our school. And being on the peer counselling team (don't judge -.-) I have to stay back til 5pm on Wednesday, 10pm on Thursday and be at school by 5.30am on Friday (it's Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday, lol). And also apparently, I saved my 2 yellow house comrades by volunteering to join the marching squad, actually I already wanted to, but then it just takes up too much of my time (even though I don't really have anything better to do, but still)
And I saw in the newspaper that the Samsung Galaxy S II is being launched by Maxis at Mid Valley Centre Court on the 22nd of June, they're offering the device for RM799 to the first 300 customers who opt for a 3GB data plan (RRP: RM2099) This is an awesome phone, but still too expensive considering the plans. I want a new awesome phone D: The HTC Sensation seems awesome too, but with my horrid results I doubt I'll be getting anything for now. -.-
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Day 19
To the someone that pesters my mind—good or bad.
To myself (good),
You're in my mind all the time, but not in that bad way, obviously. I think about you all the time, when your hidden emotions and feelings that you keep isolated from the dog-eat-dog world out that. It's a cruel world, so I'll just hide myself and give into the ways of others. I'm so tired of you always being the nice guy (Nice guys finish last, sometimes that's true, not always though.) Why don't you start being meaner, don't hide under someone else's shoes and thumb and speak up, that's how you get awesome. And Chester See is hot. I know you better than you think, because well you're me, like it or not.
Stuck at the crossroads of life, tough decisions and grueling challenges life throws at you, don't fret. God will never give you something you cannot handle. He knows your limits and well give you something you can do, or stretch the limit by a little bit. Snap out of it and live your life. You've got awesome friends around you, whether they're true friends or not (no offense) only time can tell. Cheers!
Day 18
To the person that I wish I could be.
Well there are many people I wanna be, so yeah.
Well there are many people I wanna be, so yeah.
To Lady Gaga,
Holishyt, I wish I could be you. Not just because you're crazy and wacky, but also because you're mega-talented, you write your own songs, and can sing awesomely. Okay, maybe you're not the hottest person in the music business, but you're one kick-ass lady (Lady Gaga, get it?) You're also one for equality advocacy, which not many celebrities do. (Okay well a lot of them do, but that's just one of your philanthropic ventures right?). And super famous :D But it's not much about the fame part, I've actually never thought about that. And I just love your fashion sense, even though it's not ALWAYS awesome, but still. Gaga FTW. Paws up :D And you don't care what haters say about you. You don't give a shit (Y)
And to another person, real-life friend (who I wish to keep anonymous so you can randomly guess who),
You're like so smart and nice and awesome. Well I've already got the smart and and nice and awesome part (oh wait, I guess we're not that different, but still there are differences) Different personalities, I wonder how it would be like to be you. That is mind-boggling isn't it? Intriguing. Okay so maybe I'm not that smart, and I'm not that nice, and I'm not that awesome either. I'm just writing that to extend this letter so it won't feel so insincere.
Note: This can apply to many people, and it does.
And to another, okay maybe not. (Hah!)
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Live Your Life.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
So just get over it, if yesterday was a horrible day, then write that down in your diary or journal or history textbook because it belongs there and not drifting through your mind in circles. Because if yesterday was bad enough, today would will be better than yesterday and it's a gift from God -- Happiness. But we don't know what lies ahead of us, now do we? So it's still a mystery. Live your life.
Live Your Life by T.I. ft. Rihanna
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(Ay, this a special what's happenin' to all my)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(All my soldiers over there in Iraq)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(E'rybody right here, what you need to do)
(Is be thankful for the life you got, y'knowmsayin?)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(Stop lookin' at what you ain't got)
Start bein' thankful for what you do got
Let's give it to 'em baby girl, hey
(Ay, this a special what's happenin' to all my)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(All my soldiers over there in Iraq)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(E'rybody right here, what you need to do)
(Is be thankful for the life you got, y'knowmsayin?)
Miya hee, miya ho, miya hu, miya ha ha
(Stop lookin' at what you ain't got)
Start bein' thankful for what you do got
Let's give it to 'em baby girl, hey
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
intead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
intead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away.
Amazing they ungrateful after all the games I gave away.
Safe to say I payed the way, for you cats to get paid today.
You still be wasting days away, nah had I never saved the day.
Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay.
Instead of being gracious, they violated in a major way.I never been a hater still I love them, yeah I graze the way.
Some say they so yay and no they couldn't even work on Labor day.
It aint that they black or white, their hands of area in shades of grey.
I'm West side anyway, even if I left the day it fades away.
Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid.
I'll go back to the hood and all you ever did was hate away.
I pray for patience but they make me want to face away.
Like I once made them scream, now I could make them plead their case away.
Been thuggin' all my life, can't say I don't deserve to take a break.
If you ever see me catch a case, and watch my future fade away.
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life.
I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics.
Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick.
Whoever had problems, their record sales they just holla 'tip.
If that don't work and just fails, then turn around and follow 'tip.
I got love for the game but ay I'm not in love with all of it.
I do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy.
The hootin' and the hollerin', back and forth with the arguing.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in.
Seems as though you lost sight of whats important when depositing
your checks into your bank account, and you're about poverted.
Your values is a disarrayed, prioritized are horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you piss poor morraly.
Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning.
And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Got everybody watchin what I do
Come walk in my shoes
And see the way I'm livin if you really want to
Got my mind on my money
And I'm not goin nowhere
So keep on gettin your paper
And keep on climbing
Look in the mirror and keep on shining
Till the game ends, till the clock stops
We gon' post up on the top spot
Livin the life, the life
In a brand new city got my whole team with me
The life, my life
I do what I wanna do
I'm livin my life, my life
I will never lose, I'm livin my life, my life
And I'm not stopping
So live your life!
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away.
Amazing they ungrateful after all the games I gave away.
Safe to say I payed the way, for you cats to get paid today.
You still be wasting days away, nah had I never saved the day.
Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay.
Instead of being gracious, they violated in a major way.I never been a hater still I love them, yeah I graze the way.
Some say they so yay and no they couldn't even work on Labor day.
It aint that they black or white, their hands of area in shades of grey.
I'm West side anyway, even if I left the day it fades away.
Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid.
I'll go back to the hood and all you ever did was hate away.
I pray for patience but they make me want to face away.
Like I once made them scream, now I could make them plead their case away.
Been thuggin' all my life, can't say I don't deserve to take a break.
If you ever see me catch a case, and watch my future fade away.
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life.
I'm the opposite of moderate, immaculately polished with the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.
Allergic to the counterfeit, impartial to the politics.
Articulate but still would grab a nigga by the collar quick.
Whoever had problems, their record sales they just holla 'tip.
If that don't work and just fails, then turn around and follow 'tip.
I got love for the game but ay I'm not in love with all of it.
I do without the fame and the rappers nowadays are comedy.
The hootin' and the hollerin', back and forth with the arguing.
Where you from, who you know, what you make and what kind of car you in.
Seems as though you lost sight of whats important when depositing
your checks into your bank account, and you're about poverted.
Your values is a disarrayed, prioritized are horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you piss poor morraly.
Ignoring all prior advice and fore warning.
And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Got everybody watchin what I do
Come walk in my shoes
And see the way I'm livin if you really want to
Got my mind on my money
And I'm not goin nowhere
So keep on gettin your paper
And keep on climbing
Look in the mirror and keep on shining
Till the game ends, till the clock stops
We gon' post up on the top spot
Livin the life, the life
In a brand new city got my whole team with me
The life, my life
I do what I wanna do
I'm livin my life, my life
I will never lose, I'm livin my life, my life
And I'm not stopping
So live your life!
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
So live your life!
You're gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.
And then you'll see, you're gonna go far.
Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.
So live your life, ay ay ay.
instead of chasing that paper.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Ain't got no time for no haters
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
No telling where it'll take you.
Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.
Cause I'm a paper chaser.
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)
So live your life!
Friday, 17 June 2011
Okay maybe your name is not Jeremy, but it's a hot name, dude. Anyway, Mr. Tan Zhong Yih, whom I've come to know quite well only this year, even though I've known you for like 3 years? You probably don't know me. But obviously now you do, since I'm the always-in-your-face guy. You probably will never ever see this since you don't even get online. What a sad, sad kid. Okay, maybe you're life is filled with awesomeness but I don't know about it, because you're apparently a very...secretive person. Dark, as some would put it. But I can see through your shade of innocence to see the horny perverted bitch inside you. I think I'm overusing the word bitch -.- Ohkay, sorry :D So anyway, DID YOU READ MY CARD? (Well, our cards, I'm helping them say this too) I'm sure you loved them.
And I know you definitely liked our small quaint little pizza-muffin party, even though you don't show it. You don't show enough emotions, just blabber more out, obviously not everything, or else you're dignity would be in jeopardy. (Duh!) How dare you get more marks for your English essay! Cedric's birthday gift to you? That twat! D:
Happy birthday Jeremy Tan Zhong Yih, you lied to the class about your birthday but me, expert stalker, found your Facebook page (which you still haven't accepted me as your friend) with your real birthday on it. So, cheers! Happy 16th year bro :D May God bless you in everything you do! XOXO.
And I know you definitely liked our small quaint little pizza-muffin party, even though you don't show it. You don't show enough emotions, just blabber more out, obviously not everything, or else you're dignity would be in jeopardy. (Duh!) How dare you get more marks for your English essay! Cedric's birthday gift to you? That twat! D:
Happy birthday Jeremy Tan Zhong Yih, you lied to the class about your birthday but me, expert stalker, found your Facebook page (which you still haven't accepted me as your friend) with your real birthday on it. So, cheers! Happy 16th year bro :D May God bless you in everything you do! XOXO.
Red? Blue?
Two days, well actually one-and-a-half, without internet connection sucks. Now I know that I'm totally addicted to the internet. I was so lifeless and bored and sleepy yesterday. But I did my homework (for once, not in the morning), so it isn't all bad. Dad just subscribed to UniFi and apparently the very next day, a mouse/rat/rodent-thingy came and snapped the cable so byebye connection. They're in the process of mending it, now I'm on Streamyx again. I.Am.Lifeless.
Okay, so today I spent the day playing the Red House, Blue House game. I spoke so fast that I felt my tongue go numb for awhile, but I'm pretty sure when fast equals inaudible, 'cause they're like "Oh, I wasn't listening to you." Funnnnnn. Retarded games are awesome. Viva la Four-Ehstri!!!
And I think I've been the nice guy for too long, so I'm gonna be a bitchy person (When I want to of course, I'm not a bitch all the time, well...Okay fine, I am), bitchier than before. :D
Okay, so today I spent the day playing the Red House, Blue House game. I spoke so fast that I felt my tongue go numb for awhile, but I'm pretty sure when fast equals inaudible, 'cause they're like "Oh, I wasn't listening to you." Funnnnnn. Retarded games are awesome. Viva la Four-Ehstri!!!
And I think I've been the nice guy for too long, so I'm gonna be a bitchy person (When I want to of course, I'm not a bitch all the time, well...Okay fine, I am), bitchier than before. :D
Day 17
To the someone from my childhood.
To Weng Hei, my best friend whom I've know for more than 11 years,
I guess the greeting says it all, 11 years ago we were like, barely five. 11 years is a pretty long time, considering how friendships come and go. Even though the greeting says you're my best friend, don't get all high and mighty 'cause I got many awesome friends. Hah, just stating your narcissism. Which was like, so obvious in primary school. You would just blockade the entire road and only let people pass if they call you 美女.
We've got a lot in common. Obvious or otherwise. Same horoscope also! Aquarius ftw. Even though we've drifted apart in form 1 to 3, now that we're in the same class, we're awesome buds :D No, this is not of any means of flirting. Just shut up people. I'm an innocent guy, innocent I tell you! Rawr.
So anyways, if I said 'I wish we will be friends forever' sounds too generically Chinese, which I don't actually like because it's weird. VERY weird. So, I'll say, erm...Ahh, I don't wish to be friends forever, I know we will be. And I know you well, they say 'a best friend's eyes are the best mirrors' (or something like that, I don't exactly go search for the actual terms so yeah). XOXO.
To Weng Hei, my best friend whom I've know for more than 11 years,
I guess the greeting says it all, 11 years ago we were like, barely five. 11 years is a pretty long time, considering how friendships come and go. Even though the greeting says you're my best friend, don't get all high and mighty 'cause I got many awesome friends. Hah, just stating your narcissism. Which was like, so obvious in primary school. You would just blockade the entire road and only let people pass if they call you 美女.
We've got a lot in common. Obvious or otherwise. Same horoscope also! Aquarius ftw. Even though we've drifted apart in form 1 to 3, now that we're in the same class, we're awesome buds :D No, this is not of any means of flirting. Just shut up people. I'm an innocent guy, innocent I tell you! Rawr.
So anyways, if I said 'I wish we will be friends forever' sounds too generically Chinese, which I don't actually like because it's weird. VERY weird. So, I'll say, erm...Ahh, I don't wish to be friends forever, I know we will be. And I know you well, they say 'a best friend's eyes are the best mirrors' (or something like that, I don't exactly go search for the actual terms so yeah). XOXO.
Day 16
To the someone that’s not in my state/country
Dear Janice Ooi Sue Yen,
Hello you, here you are again, my favourite internet friend. You live x miles away from me, you're in Penang and I'm in Selangor (x is an unknown, algebra, because I don't know how far it is). I still have high hopes to meet you someday, five years. Then when we're rich, let's go on a food tour. And gain tens of tens of kilos. Awesomeness, you're so gonna eat a fried scorpion. Even though I really wanna meet you in the flesh, somehow I feel unprepared. Strange right? But it's always the same with internet friends. And then they turn out the way you least expected, no offense, you're awesome :D
Here's to meeting up in five years, when we're 21. Cheers!
Dear Janice Ooi Sue Yen,
Hello you, here you are again, my favourite internet friend. You live x miles away from me, you're in Penang and I'm in Selangor (x is an unknown, algebra, because I don't know how far it is). I still have high hopes to meet you someday, five years. Then when we're rich, let's go on a food tour. And gain tens of tens of kilos. Awesomeness, you're so gonna eat a fried scorpion. Even though I really wanna meet you in the flesh, somehow I feel unprepared. Strange right? But it's always the same with internet friends. And then they turn out the way you least expected, no offense, you're awesome :D
Here's to meeting up in five years, when we're 21. Cheers!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Why you gotta be so mean?
This is for you Mr. Cedric Chan.
Mean by Taylor Swift.
You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me,
You have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man.
Well, you can take me down with just on single blow
But you don't what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be, big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're every gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides and your walk-by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaw again as if I don't already see them
I'll just walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again.
I'll bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now 'cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be, big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion but nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
But all you are is mean
All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.
But someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit mean
and all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
Someday, I'll be livin' in a big ol' city
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
Mean by Taylor Swift.
You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me,
You have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man.
Well, you can take me down with just on single blow
But you don't what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be, big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're every gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides and your walk-by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaw again as if I don't already see them
I'll just walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again.
I'll bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now 'cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know what you don't know
Someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be, big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar, talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion but nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
But all you are is mean
All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.
But someday, I'll be, livin' in a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit mean
and all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
Someday, I'll be livin' in a big ol' city
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
(Why you gotta be so mean?)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
Day 15
To the person I miss the most.
To myself,
I miss the old me, well actually not really, and I don't actually miss anyone that much right now. So, I'll just write this letter to myself then. You were the shy awkward fat kid in class, now you're just the awkward fat kid. (lol) I wonder why I miss you, your life has been so much more awesome than ever since you learned to laugh at everything and accept them as facts (except frauds and those). So, goodbye old me. But I still miss the childhood days where you were naive, innocent and all that. Okay, this is a waste of time, writing a letter just for the sake of writing a letter. It's not like you've been any better than I am now right? Okay, you lie a lot less and I admire that.
To myself,
I miss the old me, well actually not really, and I don't actually miss anyone that much right now. So, I'll just write this letter to myself then. You were the shy awkward fat kid in class, now you're just the awkward fat kid. (lol) I wonder why I miss you, your life has been so much more awesome than ever since you learned to laugh at everything and accept them as facts (except frauds and those). So, goodbye old me. But I still miss the childhood days where you were naive, innocent and all that. Okay, this is a waste of time, writing a letter just for the sake of writing a letter. It's not like you've been any better than I am now right? Okay, you lie a lot less and I admire that.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
I know you hate me, Mr Cedric Chan Foi Onn. And I hope you now know that the feeling is mutual. Obviously you're just to retarded to not see the apparent time setting changes and the damn tenses, you didn't even teach a damn thing and dare to ignore any pleas or negotiations. Okay, new question for you even though you'll never find this, how many marks can I get if my tenses weren't wrong? And the stupid summary, it sucks, 'nuff said.
I know my hatred won't last anyway, so I'll make use of it right now. Boo you! And what the hell do you mean by I'm a dark person, I've always been this bubbly hyper guy. And what's with the crap of me not being innocent I'm like the epitome of innocence dude!
I know my hatred won't last anyway, so I'll make use of it right now. Boo you! And what the hell do you mean by I'm a dark person, I've always been this bubbly hyper guy. And what's with the crap of me not being innocent I'm like the epitome of innocence dude!
Day 14
To the someone I’ve drifted away from.
To you both, my childhood best friends,
It was you who I hung out with the most during primary school days, you who brought fun and awesomeness to my childhood. But sadly, we've grown apart, different schools in different districts with different cultural references and the ever-present language barrier and pretty much nothing in common. Occasionally I see you around the neighbourhood but that's that and nothing more. I miss the old days but then it would be very very very awkward if we reenacted it now, wouldn't it? Remember that time we got chased by a dog? And the time we mutilated a dead monitor lizard and chased by the old man and all that? Well I do. Last year was the last time we've met I think at tuition, no more now. Sadness and sorrow, but hey, we all have to move on right?
Friends come and go, best friends come and go but stay in our hearts forever. But I think I will manage to keep my new relationships intact for a long long time. I'll be there for you guys when you need me and I hope you do the same. Cheers!
To you both, my childhood best friends,
It was you who I hung out with the most during primary school days, you who brought fun and awesomeness to my childhood. But sadly, we've grown apart, different schools in different districts with different cultural references and the ever-present language barrier and pretty much nothing in common. Occasionally I see you around the neighbourhood but that's that and nothing more. I miss the old days but then it would be very very very awkward if we reenacted it now, wouldn't it? Remember that time we got chased by a dog? And the time we mutilated a dead monitor lizard and chased by the old man and all that? Well I do. Last year was the last time we've met I think at tuition, no more now. Sadness and sorrow, but hey, we all have to move on right?
Friends come and go, best friends come and go but stay in our hearts forever. But I think I will manage to keep my new relationships intact for a long long time. I'll be there for you guys when you need me and I hope you do the same. Cheers!
Monday, 13 June 2011
Well, this is an awesomely enlightening way to start off the new semester, with blow after blow after blow of mental-deterioration and heart-breaking news. With the epic results I've gotten, especially since I've gotten my first fail in my life, well actually I'm not gonna go all depressed because I have normal anxiety, depression and stress scales and also good coping skills. So I am gonna stay awesome as I am, but that doesn't change the fact that I am kinda under the wind today, been lazing around all day watching sitcoms.
To be honest, I'm actually pep talking myself in hopes of making me feel actually awesome despite the brickload of depression is thrown my way. But seriously though, I'm not the least bit sad, just disappointed. Woohoo, totally a great day to start off the week.
Tomorrow will be better, since most of the evil subjects have been returned (or half thereof) and the papers tomorrow are the ones I'm slightly looking forward to, and it couldn't get any worse from today. Cheers!
To be honest, I'm actually pep talking myself in hopes of making me feel actually awesome despite the brickload of depression is thrown my way. But seriously though, I'm not the least bit sad, just disappointed. Woohoo, totally a great day to start off the week.
Tomorrow will be better, since most of the evil subjects have been returned (or half thereof) and the papers tomorrow are the ones I'm slightly looking forward to, and it couldn't get any worse from today. Cheers!
Day 13
To the someone I wish could forgive me.
To myself, the retarded awkward person that I am,
I'm sorry for all the pain I've given you, well myself, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and other -allies. I am sorry for the horrid results I have obtained this term, and I want to make it up to you, well me. So, I'm making a vow to start studying for the finals starting mid-July, and I hope I don't disappoint myself in doing something I myself said I would, or I would hate myself for that. Forgive me in advance if I fail also.
There's more to this post than that, I've been cheating myself for so long that I don't know what and how long exactly anymore, but that heavy load of guilt that hovers overhead is impossible to ignore. So I'm sorry for all the misery I've put you, myself, through all this time.
But I am not hating you, well myself, for all the awkward face-throwing embarrassing retarded things I've done, no regrets there. I love myself and I will forgive myself. So, I am forgiven. :D
*Note: The pledge of studying for finals is totally on!
To myself, the retarded awkward person that I am,
I'm sorry for all the pain I've given you, well myself, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and other -allies. I am sorry for the horrid results I have obtained this term, and I want to make it up to you, well me. So, I'm making a vow to start studying for the finals starting mid-July, and I hope I don't disappoint myself in doing something I myself said I would, or I would hate myself for that. Forgive me in advance if I fail also.
There's more to this post than that, I've been cheating myself for so long that I don't know what and how long exactly anymore, but that heavy load of guilt that hovers overhead is impossible to ignore. So I'm sorry for all the misery I've put you, myself, through all this time.
But I am not hating you, well myself, for all the awkward face-throwing embarrassing retarded things I've done, no regrets there. I love myself and I will forgive myself. So, I am forgiven. :D
*Note: The pledge of studying for finals is totally on!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
In less than 24 hours (yes, that's a day, I know that), I'll be at school, receiving the dreaded exam results from the period of exhaustion just before the semester break. And the ever-so-long list of my overdue unfinished homework goes on, I hate you homework. You should have been the one that caused me the most pain instead of the mosquitoes, although they're pure evil as well. Fine, screw you PEBEL marks. Even the threat you pose to my results won't bring me down, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to the fact that I will receive horrible results, especially for add maths and BM, oh and who could forget you Moral. Well, at least I'll be surrounded by friends instead of sitting here and talking through a virtual conversation.
So goodbye, my dear sweet holidays, I shall miss you dearly, do not be afraid to visit more often. I know you've scheduled another visit sometime at the end of August, I'm looking forward to the day you return. I'm scared now. And I have to forge letters of absence so my marks won't be deducted again. Curse you marks-deduction system!
So goodbye, my dear sweet holidays, I shall miss you dearly, do not be afraid to visit more often. I know you've scheduled another visit sometime at the end of August, I'm looking forward to the day you return. I'm scared now. And I have to forge letters of absence so my marks won't be deducted again. Curse you marks-deduction system!
Of you're 16 years of life. I've only known you for a mere 5 and a half months, but I can tell that I've made your life even more awesome. Don't you dare try to deny it, because I know things. Happy birthday, my dear! May your life be filled with awesomeness in every aspect that you venture in. Oh yeah, and you're still an overly narcissistic and self-absorbed solipsist like I said on your Facebook wall earlier on. Cheers to you!
♥ B.
♥ B.
This is I Am Number Four. |
Well the past few days have been so draining, even though I don't exactly know why. Hungover from all the excitement and glee from the Ehstrians' outing? Which I can now say was a complete success, we got to know each other better, and the horny sides especially. Teenagers these days are just so damn horny and perverted. I blame the perversion of the modern society and the mass media. Lately, I've been going to KLCC quite often, because I wanna finish reading the awesome book by Pittacus Lore known as I Am Number Four. I can't believe the author actually included Malaysia in the book.
I am obsessed with so many things lately, well not to the extend of willing to die for it. But yeah. Among the many are dirty-talking, Lady Gaga, the aforementioned book, a craze for new smartphones, and these uber epic piano pieces called Death Waltz (or U.N Owen Was Her) and Circus Galop.
My new hairstyle is so awesome (compared to the old one, but obviously not the awesomest). Apparently I've never drank any alcoholic drinks other than a sip of champagne (or white wine) and jolly shandy. I wonder what my alcohol resistance is like? It can kill animals! I've also come to realize I've been cheating my brother into doing something he doesn't want to, or out of something he does by making up false facts, but seems like he's been getting more common sense and believes less of the faux facts I've been spewing. nevertheless I'll continue trying.
This is a very random post. And screw you Alvin for getting an iPhone D:
Day 12
To the person I hate most/caused me a lot of pain.
To you, the annoying bitchy mosquito,
To you, the annoying bitchy mosquito,
You and your little mosquito friends have sucked on my sweet life-giving blood long enough. I seem to be a blood bank for the hungry...mosquitoes. I know my blood is full of awesomeness and sweetness. (Am I diabetic, I myself don't know). You and your proboscis have caused swelling, itchiness and pain to me one time too many. The engorged inflamed skin that you've punctured with that apparently-sharp-enough-to-penetrate-through-my-skin proboscis left itchy protrusions on my already blemished skin, and caused me to scratch the 'site of incision' so hard that it sometimes bleeds and leave painful tiny open sores. That is a lot of pain. One of these days, I'm gonna get so pissed that I'm gonna go get my insect-spray and those electrical tennis racquet things and make you perish! I'm glorifying you enough by including you in a 'person' post, giving you humanistic cognitive abilities. Well that's that. I hate you bitches. Even though, I'm like haemophobic to my own blood, I still take joy in killing you and seeing my crimson blood splatter over your writhing, dead remains.
Remember, you were warned. -Puts on serious face and holds up imaginary electrical tennis racquet thingy-
Day 11
To a deceased person I wish I could talk to.
To my grandfather whom I barely knew,
To my grandfather whom I barely knew,
According to dad (and your tombstone) you died somewhere in the late 90's or the early 00's (can't really remember actually, sorry). Passing away is a term some people use for the deceased, which they claim is paying respect to the deceased, but I think it's so console yourself. You too agree that you've died right? But wherever you are now. I hope you're getting on well. Are there other spirits with you like they show on TV, or is that just the media's and the world's perspective on death and heaven and hell?
Well, I've never exactly met you as we stay far apart from each other, and we only visit like once a year when you were still around, I don't really know if you remembered my name. But then, I must've been, what, five or six then? Ages ago. But, from dad's stories I know you were a hard-willed man who worked hard with sweat, blood and tears to raise that enormous family you had. Well yeah, maybe I'll dig out more about my ancestry from my parents. To know your origins is also a part of self-discovery (right? I don't know, I'm just an innocent 16-year-old boy).
Here's to you, Gong2. Cheers!
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Day 10
To someone I don’t talk to as much as I’d like to
Dear you, (I'm giving you anonymity, this is to multiple persons)
I've known you for quite some time already, otherwise I wouldn't even bother with this. We used to talk a lot though, even with some undisclosed topics (you know what I mean) but now it seems like we're drifting apart. Well, no point regretting anyway.
To one of you, you've been acting kinda strange lately, you okay? Seems like a post-heartbreak thing, but I don't wanna intrude so I'll just leave it here. Maybe it's just an awkward phase that people say teenagers go through. But things seem to be progressing for the better and not the other way round.
To another one of you, you're my once-fabled-still-are-but-not-that-close-anymore older brother. I've never actually met you, which is kinda ironic. But lately we don't even talk, maybe when I'm older I'll pay you a visit, like we once said (oh God, that sounds so wrong).
And to the rest of the people that I don't talk to as much as I'd like to, I've known this saying for a long time but I just saw it resurface on Facebook like 10 minutes ago.
Dear you, (I'm giving you anonymity, this is to multiple persons)
I've known you for quite some time already, otherwise I wouldn't even bother with this. We used to talk a lot though, even with some undisclosed topics (you know what I mean) but now it seems like we're drifting apart. Well, no point regretting anyway.
To one of you, you've been acting kinda strange lately, you okay? Seems like a post-heartbreak thing, but I don't wanna intrude so I'll just leave it here. Maybe it's just an awkward phase that people say teenagers go through. But things seem to be progressing for the better and not the other way round.
To another one of you, you're my once-fabled-still-are-but-not-that-close-anymore older brother. I've never actually met you, which is kinda ironic. But lately we don't even talk, maybe when I'm older I'll pay you a visit, like we once said (oh God, that sounds so wrong).
And to the rest of the people that I don't talk to as much as I'd like to, I've known this saying for a long time but I just saw it resurface on Facebook like 10 minutes ago.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why they call it the present."
Let bygones be what they are -- bygones, and don't linger around in the past. Live life to the fullest, you never know what's coming late on, so cherish the present like a gift sent from heaven (hey that rhymed).
Friday, 10 June 2011
Day 9
To someone I wish I could meet
Dear you, the person somewhere out there,
As I said I wish I could meet you (awesome, three 'I's in a short sentence), that must mean you're pretty awesome. Not in the narcissistic sense but anybody that people want to meet are always awesome, that's why people want to meet them, duh. But well...God I have nothing to write to you. So I'm gonna just end this random letter. People don't meet each other purely by coincidence, sometimes it's fate that two people get to know each other. (I don't mean in the intimate way but this applies to that too). So, [raises nonexistent glass] here's to meeting someday. I don't care if you're hot or not, or what race or sexual orientation you are. I believe in equality, just be nice. Or else you're not fit to claim to be the 'someone' I wish I could meet.
Dear you, the person somewhere out there,
As I said I wish I could meet you (awesome, three 'I's in a short sentence), that must mean you're pretty awesome. Not in the narcissistic sense but anybody that people want to meet are always awesome, that's why people want to meet them, duh. But well...God I have nothing to write to you. So I'm gonna just end this random letter. People don't meet each other purely by coincidence, sometimes it's fate that two people get to know each other. (I don't mean in the intimate way but this applies to that too). So, [raises nonexistent glass] here's to meeting someday. I don't care if you're hot or not, or what race or sexual orientation you are. I believe in equality, just be nice. Or else you're not fit to claim to be the 'someone' I wish I could meet.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Ehstrians Gone Wild (Literally)
I've heard many a time people saying, "Success is the best revenge." I didn't get it up till yesterday. I was like a nervous wreck before venturing out of the house. I was like, "This is going to be a very awkward day." And after a series of worrisome thoughts just before arriving at the 7-11 outside the school, like 'Am I the last one here?' (Traffic kinda sluggish on the way, you see) and 'What are we gonna do later?' and like, 'Are they all here already? OMG They gonna kill me for being like half an hour late.' But then all those vanished and were replaced by the exact opposite set of thoughts, 'Okay where is everyone?' I saw Jean in 7-11 :D So we waited awhile for the others to show. Well it was an awkward wait, and we decided to go in school to look for them, but goodness gracious, right after the moment we left 7-11, there they were. And soon after, we had another awkward moment walking to the bus stop. Well, guess I was right about the awkward part. So now it's 5 people -- Jayden, Jean, SongZhe, WengFai and me.
Jay lost his virginity that day, in fact, twice. I'll get on with the first one first, the second one can wait till later. He's a bus virgin, just like me a few months ago (I think, remember vaguely only). Went through the usual bus-taking routine -- get on, walk to seat, sit down, wait for conductor, pay conductor and sit back and relax (although not much of a relaxing seat 'cause the space between seats is like so narrow) And I just realized like 2 seconds ago that RapidKL and MetroBus prices are different.
Note to self: RapidKL from the EPF to Sunway in normal clothes -- RM2.50, on Metro -- RM1.80
So anyway, the Jay attempted a prank call (or were you going for a Gotcha! style call?) to Alvin which ultimately failed after a giggle, but he believed it for a split second before the giggle. I still can't believe he did. It would have sounded so Jayden. Jay was like, "Hello sir, did you order a pizza?" and to my knowledge, apparently he said yes. So yeah, but the awkwardness was lightened by a tad bit.
Upon arriving at Pyramid, we walked to the lion's head part to find the prank-callee. Which we did and whom I ignored purposefully for fun. He was like calling me the whole time we were staring at the Directory looking for the guitar shop and I was like 'Oh I think it's over here' I. Am. Evil. In the end we couldn't find it on the directory so I went to ask to concierge which pointed us to the direction of the closed guitar collection store. And just then Tek called so we were like giving him directions to us and I bet he was scrambling around to look for us. And when all hope was almost lost (yes, exaggerated), I saw him coming down the escalator. You fail, Tek. After a short, for-no-apparent-reason moment of standing at the foot of the escalator, we went to erm, yum cha :D That Alvin went on to order some expensive coffee drink thingy that got us (well, I don't know about you but I was) staring at him. You still owe the class an abalone dinner, Alvin. Next year CNY reunion dinner you belanja :D Now 5 of us plus the 2 retards and the KitYan so in total, 8.
So, we were like walking around with nothing to do then someone suggested we go to the arcade (which I have always thought to be noisy and a waste of money, and I still do). Okay so we were like there, and apparently one of the racing machines hated me so it ate my token. Then I went to take a call from XYing :D She said she was on her way or something, couldn't actually hear over the incessant blaring of the machines -.- Jayden apparently was so convincing in his prank call with XYing that she actually believed him and asked her dad to deal with it, which he was freaking out that he'll sue him. Epically hilarious. And to which he kept apologizing to her. Then after the arcade, waited a little then XY arrived. So we, the 9 of us, went to Redbox (lol) Oh yeah, PhangHoong was spotted around too. Same ol' "wait for reception-show IC/student cards-chose 10pax student package-followed the guy into the room" routine. Then awesomeness begins. Yes, the awesomeness begins here instead of the whole block of text above this sentence.
OMG, was like my reaction when we entered the room, it was like huge (Although I've seen bigger in photos, but still). Singing, or more like screaming out of tune, and me jumping around and pole dancing (Yes, I pole dance, am I awesome or am I awesome?) And so the screaming and shouting and laughing and whatever people do in a dark room with comfy sofas do (not that, you sick minded perverted psycho, we're like 15-16 year-olds) goes on and on until I don't know who (or maybe I do) said he/she was hungry so order food. Which was to the least of my expectations. For RM12 a plate of meh-rated dished, good thing it was included in the package. Not enough drinks, RedBox, especially if you give us 4 hours. And the most epic part. Jay fell asleep on top of the sofa (he climbed up there) when we were singing to Taylor Swift's Back to December and we snapped photos (which I still have, I have proven myself to be evil once again) And apparently I was caught pole-dancing on camera. (well in the motion of it). My pole was invisible. :P So, I left the room as nature called and when I got back everyone was like, standing on the sofa. Fun :D So they were like standing and I was crawling at their feet. Apparently I got spanked in the behind (if you know what I mean). Then when the RedBox staff came in to what I know now from forum sites that they come in often pretending to take orders but actually are taking a headcount, we all dropped down and sat there like nothing happened. But I think he obviously knows, CCTV? XY had to leave early and Tek followed not long after. Then for some strange reason the remote controller stopped working. Damned contraption, probably a scam by them 'cause it happened just minutes before the end-time of our stay.
Alvin left, so how many left of us? 9-XY-Tek-Alvin = 6. Then Jay asked if we wanted to go play pool, which apparently we were disallowed to enter with a lousy excuse or so he says. So in the end we did nothing except walking around for a few moments then flipped a coin to see if Newton/God wanted us to go for a drink or go back to school. KitYan and WengFai were going back by themselves so the 4 of us ultimately decided to go against nature (the coin said we should go for a drink) and went out to find a taxi, we had to walk a short distance before finding an empty taxi. So a taxi-ride back to school, which is another virginity-losing moment for Jay who says he's never been in a Malaysian taxi before. Jean's granddad was already waiting for her at the bus stop, so she left when we arrived at school. Went to 7-11 with Jay and SZhe bought a drink, drank it. Stood there for like half-an-hour for no reason and I excused myself 'cause it was getting dark and I was supposed to take the LRT to KL. The walk in Taman Jaya was terrifying. In the late afternoon, with the shadows of night closing in and weird creepy sounds coming from nowhere. And also the possibility of being mugged (I know of a friend of a friend who got mugged by some Indian dudes) so I picked up my walking speed and sighed in relief when I got to the other side, it was drizzling also. So went KL, had dinner, read a book, Mom picked me up (she was in KL also) and went home.
The first sentence of the entire blogpost about Success being the best revenge thing was just a random quote I chose because of the word 'Success' which perfectly described yesterday along with 'awkward' and 'funny' (although I probably think everything is funny). Ending with a concluding thought is so old-school. So...(cliffhanger ending ftw.)
I've heard many a time people saying, "Success is the best revenge." I didn't get it up till yesterday. I was like a nervous wreck before venturing out of the house. I was like, "This is going to be a very awkward day." And after a series of worrisome thoughts just before arriving at the 7-11 outside the school, like 'Am I the last one here?' (Traffic kinda sluggish on the way, you see) and 'What are we gonna do later?' and like, 'Are they all here already? OMG They gonna kill me for being like half an hour late.' But then all those vanished and were replaced by the exact opposite set of thoughts, 'Okay where is everyone?' I saw Jean in 7-11 :D So we waited awhile for the others to show. Well it was an awkward wait, and we decided to go in school to look for them, but goodness gracious, right after the moment we left 7-11, there they were. And soon after, we had another awkward moment walking to the bus stop. Well, guess I was right about the awkward part. So now it's 5 people -- Jayden, Jean, SongZhe, WengFai and me.
Jay lost his virginity that day, in fact, twice. I'll get on with the first one first, the second one can wait till later. He's a bus virgin, just like me a few months ago (I think, remember vaguely only). Went through the usual bus-taking routine -- get on, walk to seat, sit down, wait for conductor, pay conductor and sit back and relax (although not much of a relaxing seat 'cause the space between seats is like so narrow) And I just realized like 2 seconds ago that RapidKL and MetroBus prices are different.
Note to self: RapidKL from the EPF to Sunway in normal clothes -- RM2.50, on Metro -- RM1.80
So anyway, the Jay attempted a prank call (or were you going for a Gotcha! style call?) to Alvin which ultimately failed after a giggle, but he believed it for a split second before the giggle. I still can't believe he did. It would have sounded so Jayden. Jay was like, "Hello sir, did you order a pizza?" and to my knowledge, apparently he said yes. So yeah, but the awkwardness was lightened by a tad bit.
Upon arriving at Pyramid, we walked to the lion's head part to find the prank-callee. Which we did and whom I ignored purposefully for fun. He was like calling me the whole time we were staring at the Directory looking for the guitar shop and I was like 'Oh I think it's over here' I. Am. Evil. In the end we couldn't find it on the directory so I went to ask to concierge which pointed us to the direction of the closed guitar collection store. And just then Tek called so we were like giving him directions to us and I bet he was scrambling around to look for us. And when all hope was almost lost (yes, exaggerated), I saw him coming down the escalator. You fail, Tek. After a short, for-no-apparent-reason moment of standing at the foot of the escalator, we went to erm, yum cha :D That Alvin went on to order some expensive coffee drink thingy that got us (well, I don't know about you but I was) staring at him. You still owe the class an abalone dinner, Alvin. Next year CNY reunion dinner you belanja :D Now 5 of us plus the 2 retards and the KitYan so in total, 8.
So, we were like walking around with nothing to do then someone suggested we go to the arcade (which I have always thought to be noisy and a waste of money, and I still do). Okay so we were like there, and apparently one of the racing machines hated me so it ate my token. Then I went to take a call from XYing :D She said she was on her way or something, couldn't actually hear over the incessant blaring of the machines -.- Jayden apparently was so convincing in his prank call with XYing that she actually believed him and asked her dad to deal with it, which he was freaking out that he'll sue him. Epically hilarious. And to which he kept apologizing to her. Then after the arcade, waited a little then XY arrived. So we, the 9 of us, went to Redbox (lol) Oh yeah, PhangHoong was spotted around too. Same ol' "wait for reception-show IC/student cards-chose 10pax student package-followed the guy into the room" routine. Then awesomeness begins. Yes, the awesomeness begins here instead of the whole block of text above this sentence.
OMG, was like my reaction when we entered the room, it was like huge (Although I've seen bigger in photos, but still). Singing, or more like screaming out of tune, and me jumping around and pole dancing (Yes, I pole dance, am I awesome or am I awesome?) And so the screaming and shouting and laughing and whatever people do in a dark room with comfy sofas do (not that, you sick minded perverted psycho, we're like 15-16 year-olds) goes on and on until I don't know who (or maybe I do) said he/she was hungry so order food. Which was to the least of my expectations. For RM12 a plate of meh-rated dished, good thing it was included in the package. Not enough drinks, RedBox, especially if you give us 4 hours. And the most epic part. Jay fell asleep on top of the sofa (he climbed up there) when we were singing to Taylor Swift's Back to December and we snapped photos (which I still have, I have proven myself to be evil once again) And apparently I was caught pole-dancing on camera. (well in the motion of it). My pole was invisible. :P So, I left the room as nature called and when I got back everyone was like, standing on the sofa. Fun :D So they were like standing and I was crawling at their feet. Apparently I got spanked in the behind (if you know what I mean). Then when the RedBox staff came in to what I know now from forum sites that they come in often pretending to take orders but actually are taking a headcount, we all dropped down and sat there like nothing happened. But I think he obviously knows, CCTV? XY had to leave early and Tek followed not long after. Then for some strange reason the remote controller stopped working. Damned contraption, probably a scam by them 'cause it happened just minutes before the end-time of our stay.
Alvin left, so how many left of us? 9-XY-Tek-Alvin = 6. Then Jay asked if we wanted to go play pool, which apparently we were disallowed to enter with a lousy excuse or so he says. So in the end we did nothing except walking around for a few moments then flipped a coin to see if Newton/God wanted us to go for a drink or go back to school. KitYan and WengFai were going back by themselves so the 4 of us ultimately decided to go against nature (the coin said we should go for a drink) and went out to find a taxi, we had to walk a short distance before finding an empty taxi. So a taxi-ride back to school, which is another virginity-losing moment for Jay who says he's never been in a Malaysian taxi before. Jean's granddad was already waiting for her at the bus stop, so she left when we arrived at school. Went to 7-11 with Jay and SZhe bought a drink, drank it. Stood there for like half-an-hour for no reason and I excused myself 'cause it was getting dark and I was supposed to take the LRT to KL. The walk in Taman Jaya was terrifying. In the late afternoon, with the shadows of night closing in and weird creepy sounds coming from nowhere. And also the possibility of being mugged (I know of a friend of a friend who got mugged by some Indian dudes) so I picked up my walking speed and sighed in relief when I got to the other side, it was drizzling also. So went KL, had dinner, read a book, Mom picked me up (she was in KL also) and went home.
The first sentence of the entire blogpost about Success being the best revenge thing was just a random quote I chose because of the word 'Success' which perfectly described yesterday along with 'awkward' and 'funny' (although I probably think everything is funny). Ending with a concluding thought is so old-school. So...(cliffhanger ending ftw.)
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Day 8
Dear Janice Ooi, my favourite internet friend.
Hello Jan, this is a letter for you. You are my best and favourite internet friend (although you probably know that now 'cause I said it like twice already). Alas, I haven't actually met you in the flesh yet. So yeah lol. I got to know you through PW (like two years ago? Long time eh?) OMG Why do I currently have nothing to write.
OH YEAH. Today is your birthday! Happy birthday my non-blood related daughter :D May God bless you in every aspect you take part in. You'll always be my awesome daughter even though we're hundreds of miles (well kilometres here in Malaysia, but miles sounds nicer) apart. Okay, so I hope in like 5 years (yes 5, and I've told you why 5) we can finally meet up, by then I will be able to drive. Yay. So, I'm looking forward to when the day comes.
I enjoy chatting with you because it's like so awesome and I can tell you many things with no like awkwardness in between because, well we haven't met in real life yet. I don't why is that relevant to the aforementioned point but it feels like it is. We shall have a friendly debate soon. :D Yay.
Hello Jan, this is a letter for you. You are my best and favourite internet friend (although you probably know that now 'cause I said it like twice already). Alas, I haven't actually met you in the flesh yet. So yeah lol. I got to know you through PW (like two years ago? Long time eh?) OMG Why do I currently have nothing to write.
OH YEAH. Today is your birthday! Happy birthday my non-blood related daughter :D May God bless you in every aspect you take part in. You'll always be my awesome daughter even though we're hundreds of miles (well kilometres here in Malaysia, but miles sounds nicer) apart. Okay, so I hope in like 5 years (yes 5, and I've told you why 5) we can finally meet up, by then I will be able to drive. Yay. So, I'm looking forward to when the day comes.
I enjoy chatting with you because it's like so awesome and I can tell you many things with no like awkwardness in between because, well we haven't met in real life yet. I don't why is that relevant to the aforementioned point but it feels like it is. We shall have a friendly debate soon. :D Yay.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
I should be doing some spring cleaning right now, but instead, I'm sucking on a pineapple.It's good pineapple. I'll do that later. And I don't feel like going for tuition today. I'm not gonna beat around the bush, so I'm just gonna say, it sucks. All tuition sucks no matter how good someone tells you, well from my experiences. Maybe there's one awesome teacher out there somewhere that balances fun with learning, and not just doing a stack of papers.
Looks like the get-together is on as planned. I don't like to call it an outing because it makes it sound like we're going on an adventure into the treacherous wilderness or something. And gathering sounds weird 'cause we're not exactly lost from each other so there's no point of "gathering". Get-together sounds fun :D I'm living in the present. And I just found out that Emily is getting an iPhone yesterday :O Lucky girl.
So, now I'm sitting here, pineapple done. And going to throw together my outfits for the next two days. I'm gonna spend half of my Thursday at KLCC Kinokuniya :D So yeah.Stay awesome yo.
Oh, and Blogspot's standard time isn't in sync with our Malaysian time so the posting dates will probably make no sense in the big picture.
Looks like the get-together is on as planned. I don't like to call it an outing because it makes it sound like we're going on an adventure into the treacherous wilderness or something. And gathering sounds weird 'cause we're not exactly lost from each other so there's no point of "gathering". Get-together sounds fun :D I'm living in the present. And I just found out that Emily is getting an iPhone yesterday :O Lucky girl.
So, now I'm sitting here, pineapple done. And going to throw together my outfits for the next two days. I'm gonna spend half of my Thursday at KLCC Kinokuniya :D So yeah.Stay awesome yo.
Oh, and Blogspot's standard time isn't in sync with our Malaysian time so the posting dates will probably make no sense in the big picture.
Day 7
To my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush,
First things first, you don't exist, unfortunately, because so far I am single. No I'm not gonna be a bachelor for life. Just currently single. But hypothetically if I was your ex-boyfriend, why would we even have broken up? I'm like so awesome. Okay maybe not, but I think I am. Someone said, "If you think you can, you can." So yeah. Okay so here's the generic break-up speech that they use oh-so-often on public television. I think it starts with "We have to talk" then "It's not me it's you" and some crap here and ending with "I hope we can still be friends" and then get slapped. Okay that's kinda cruel. So I’m currently single ftw. :D
But since you don't exist (at the time of publishing), well you know the drill. And no I do not believe in love at first sight, so if you think I do, think again. 'Cause if I fell in love with you once, I've probably known you for like, forever. However, lust at first, that I do believe in. And good thing I'm not a lusty person eh?
Okay, that's that.
First things first, you don't exist, unfortunately, because so far I am single. No I'm not gonna be a bachelor for life. Just currently single. But hypothetically if I was your ex-boyfriend, why would we even have broken up? I'm like so awesome. Okay maybe not, but I think I am. Someone said, "If you think you can, you can." So yeah. Okay so here's the generic break-up speech that they use oh-so-often on public television. I think it starts with "We have to talk" then "It's not me it's you" and some crap here and ending with "I hope we can still be friends" and then get slapped. Okay that's kinda cruel. So I’m currently single ftw. :D
But since you don't exist (at the time of publishing), well you know the drill. And no I do not believe in love at first sight, so if you think I do, think again. 'Cause if I fell in love with you once, I've probably known you for like, forever. However, lust at first, that I do believe in. And good thing I'm not a lusty person eh?
Okay, that's that.
Monday, 6 June 2011
No, the title is irrelevant to Lady Gaga's "Hair", it merely refers to the follicular extensions found atop my head. I just had a haircut because my hair grows in a weird way when it get's long -- horizontally, so in the end I'll end up looking like < o.o >, it looks cute here but it so does not in real. Well there goes my dream of having well not-long-but-longish hair. Never mind that. Anyway, now it's like uber short (no, not a skin cut, that's just weird on me), but it's better than retarded sideways-pointing hair like demon horns.
Did you know I am like, obsessed with khaki brown colour? It's like my favourite color of all time (no matter the tonality). And I just found a cap that is that colour, I shall wear it often. So when you see me in the cap, don't think I have a horrid haircut, because it looks quite decent now.
And there are still people sitting on the fence about the Ehstrians' get-together event thingy. Now, I have no interest in getting more people to go because they'll just throw the annoying sentence "I'll go if he/she goes" at me. So, forget it.
Did you know I am like, obsessed with khaki brown colour? It's like my favourite color of all time (no matter the tonality). And I just found a cap that is that colour, I shall wear it often. So when you see me in the cap, don't think I have a horrid haircut, because it looks quite decent now.
And there are still people sitting on the fence about the Ehstrians' get-together event thingy. Now, I have no interest in getting more people to go because they'll just throw the annoying sentence "I'll go if he/she goes" at me. So, forget it.
Day 6
To a stranger.
To the guy/girl walking there, somewhere.
To the guy/girl walking there, somewhere.
I just wanna say hi, and why were you staring at me? Was it because I was too hot and awesome. Or was it just that I was awkward and fat? I'm going with the first answer anyway because it's more comforting to myself. So now you see that I'm a compulsive narcissist. Stranger or not, I've read everybody in this entire world is interconnected to each other by no more than 3 (or was it 6) degrees of relationships.
Well making new friends is always awesome. Less strangers in the world. But then it raises the question, don't people say Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer? Okay now that's just creepy, are you a pedophile or something? Hah, joking. Don't be intimidated by my awesomeness, I can't help it.
Maybe one day we shall meet, then we won't be strangers to each other anymore. More like acquaintances or maybe more, who knows? It's the circle of life. Okay, now I'm quoting Sarah from Brothers and Sisters quoting The Lion King. This is awesome. You will so want to meet me. Don't rape me or anything.
So yeah :D This is your friendly neighbourhood spiderman or well, me, saying, I'm awesome.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
You know what annoys me? People who have the I'll-go-if-he/she-goes attitude. Do you know that it sucks? If you really want to go then you wouldn't say that sort of crap. Sure, it may not be as fun. You can always opt for not attending y'know. Well common attitude people have adopted nowadays. If you don't want to go, just say no, people will understand. Don't sit on the fence too long or you'll fall down and possibly hurt, no, kill yourself. But hey, like Gaga said, that's your opinion and I'm not gonna waste my time trying to change your mind.
Note: Annoyed is not the same as hate, educate yourselves on that.
Note: Annoyed is not the same as hate, educate yourselves on that.
How many times will it take?

What have I done
I wish I could run
Away from this ship going under
Just trying to help
Hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is
On my shoulders
What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
'Cuz my best intentions keep making a mess of things

But how many times will it take
Oh how many times will it take for me
To get it right
To get it right
Can I start again
With my faith shaken
'Cuz I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay
And face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser
I'll get through this
What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
'Cuz my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just want to fix it somehow
But how many times will it take
But how many times will it take for me
To get it right
So I throw up my fist, throw a punch in the air
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair
Yeah I sent out wish
Yeah I sent up a prayer
Then finally someone will see how much I care
What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
Oh my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just want to fix it somehow
But how many times will it take
Oh how many times will it take
To get it right
To get it right
Day 5
To my dreams.
Dear dream (I shall address my goal first),
Yes, you, the one that's always filling my head with my future. Make up your (well my) mind already. Should I go for medicine or hospitality? Both sound interesting. You see the dilemma you're causing me (well you). And well the future seems pretty awesome the way you (well I) picture it. But there's so many other things to consider, but we'll just keep them as our dirty little secrets.
Dear dream (now I shall address the nocturnal illusions),
You torment me with real-life situations sometimes, but also give me hope and also sometimes make me feel like I have paranormal psionic abilities to predict the future if the dream comes true. I feel like a complete weirdo with some of the dreams, suggestive or nightmarish or just plain awesome or erotic or whatever else, but I was born this way baby! Hah (sorry, I just had to say that, lmao) Anyway, the dreams lately were awesome. Especially the time where I was in a shopping mall and there were man-eating vampires every where, and I could fly and cure them to make them become humans again. (To reader: you're jealous I'm so awesome). Maybe I shall post that uber dream sometime soon, maybe not, depends on my laziness and my memory of the subject.
To both dreams,
I love you both, you make me whole, and a sane person.
Dear dream (I shall address my goal first),
Yes, you, the one that's always filling my head with my future. Make up your (well my) mind already. Should I go for medicine or hospitality? Both sound interesting. You see the dilemma you're causing me (well you). And well the future seems pretty awesome the way you (well I) picture it. But there's so many other things to consider, but we'll just keep them as our dirty little secrets.
Dear dream (now I shall address the nocturnal illusions),
You torment me with real-life situations sometimes, but also give me hope and also sometimes make me feel like I have paranormal psionic abilities to predict the future if the dream comes true. I feel like a complete weirdo with some of the dreams, suggestive or nightmarish or just plain awesome or erotic or whatever else, but I was born this way baby! Hah (sorry, I just had to say that, lmao) Anyway, the dreams lately were awesome. Especially the time where I was in a shopping mall and there were man-eating vampires every where, and I could fly and cure them to make them become humans again. (To reader: you're jealous I'm so awesome). Maybe I shall post that uber dream sometime soon, maybe not, depends on my laziness and my memory of the subject.
To both dreams,
I love you both, you make me whole, and a sane person.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Day 4
To my brother (although you will never read this, and I hope you never will),
You are hiding something, and it's getting more and more obvious. But I'm still clueless. So I shall pry around in your business until I find out. Yes, that's me, nosy and in-your-face.

Your awesome brother, B.
In The Midst Of Hardship
At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but on their brows
there was not a sign of despair.
The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son's
albino buffalo that was never found.
They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complain
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves.
-Latiff Mohidin.
Optimists have a tendency to make lemons out of lemonade, and to then see the glass as half-full when it's half-empty.
Some optimists consistently ascribe benevolent motives to others and interpret situations in the best possible light, others simply disassociate their internal mood from external circumstances, no matter how sticky.
Some optimists consistently ascribe benevolent motives to others and interpret situations in the best possible light, others simply disassociate their internal mood from external circumstances, no matter how sticky.
OMG! Rihanna's Caribbean (or Barbadian) accent is smokin' hot. Go listen to Man Down, her latest release. Rom-p-p-pom Rom-p-p-pom
Well, another boring day. And for goodness sake, when will the mood to do my homework come? I feel so lazy now. One week filled with boredom fleeted by already. (This is a good-case-bad-case situation, depending on how you look at it).
I have adopted a new way of life. One without complaints. And I won't scold people (unless needed, so don't take advantage of this) Yes, Ehstrians you still need to do your cleaning duties, which I don't like either so just suck it up.
Well, another boring day. And for goodness sake, when will the mood to do my homework come? I feel so lazy now. One week filled with boredom fleeted by already. (This is a good-case-bad-case situation, depending on how you look at it).
I have adopted a new way of life. One without complaints. And I won't scold people (unless needed, so don't take advantage of this) Yes, Ehstrians you still need to do your cleaning duties, which I don't like either so just suck it up.
Day 3
To my parents.
Dear papa and mama,
First off, thanks for everything, raising me to be the person I am today. Even though you barely know the real me. (no, it's nothing bad) Maybe one day you will figure out and I hope you don't blame yourselves for my misbehaviour at times, but that's just how the cookie crumbles (okay that sounded depressing), rephrase: course of nature (ahh, much better). Yes, mama, this is how I converse or at least voice out my thoughts, with brackets.
Anyway, thank you both for showing me the love and care every child needs, and for the patience and understanding. Oh, and I think something fishy is going on with Ruben. Very suspicious. But seemingly, none of all our businesses (well, okay, I'll snoop around, no guarantees).
Bye the way, the world has changed since your times. Yes, it's a more cruel and wicked world. But, what can you do? There is no need to complain about people smoking in public, bear with it. It's not like when you say 'Yuck this smoke is horrible' the smoke will vanished evidently right. And even though you blame people for doing these bad (well not to say bad), non-beneficial things, some times even they don't want it or didn't want it in the first place.
And don't think I'm an evil person because I'm not, for saying all this I mean.
Your loving son forever, B.
Dear papa and mama,
First off, thanks for everything, raising me to be the person I am today. Even though you barely know the real me. (no, it's nothing bad) Maybe one day you will figure out and I hope you don't blame yourselves for my misbehaviour at times, but that's just how the cookie crumbles (okay that sounded depressing), rephrase: course of nature (ahh, much better). Yes, mama, this is how I converse or at least voice out my thoughts, with brackets.
Anyway, thank you both for showing me the love and care every child needs, and for the patience and understanding. Oh, and I think something fishy is going on with Ruben. Very suspicious. But seemingly, none of all our businesses (well, okay, I'll snoop around, no guarantees).
Bye the way, the world has changed since your times. Yes, it's a more cruel and wicked world. But, what can you do? There is no need to complain about people smoking in public, bear with it. It's not like when you say 'Yuck this smoke is horrible' the smoke will vanished evidently right. And even though you blame people for doing these bad (well not to say bad), non-beneficial things, some times even they don't want it or didn't want it in the first place.
And don't think I'm an evil person because I'm not, for saying all this I mean.
Your loving son forever, B.
Friday, 3 June 2011
It's Friday, Friday...
Well, today I watched Brokeback Mountain, and it was nice. (okay, this sounds so lame). Well steamy sex scenes galore. If you don't know about this story...Well it's about a romantic relationship between two guys (yes, gay, I know that) and their...adventures? Lol, that sounded weird, okay well, it's about their relationship then. Kinda unexpected parts, but yeah. It's a good movie :D Go watch it.
It's Friday, and like every other day, today was boring. And damn my hair is long, need to go cut soon, don't wanna have retarded hair when people see me. Hah!And now I'm starving.
B, signing out (for the moment)
It's Friday, and like every other day, today was boring. And damn my hair is long, need to go cut soon, don't wanna have retarded hair when people see me. Hah!And now I'm starving.
B, signing out (for the moment)
Celebrity Quotations.
- When I grew up, I lived in the ghettos of Hollywood; it was the most disgusting place to be. I was known as the crazy little kid. I did impressions. Then I realized that's not what I want to do. I don't want to be a comedian to please other people. -Leonardo DiCaprio
- They can't scare me if I scare them first. -Lady Gaga
- Well, that's you opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it -Lady Gaga
- A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want. -Madonna
- The best revenge is massive success. -Frank Sinatra
- I can get sad, I can get frustrated, I can get scared, but I never get depressed - because there is joy in my life. -Michael J. Fox
- Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. -Oprah Winfrey
- Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life. -Avril Lavigne
- People like to talk, so let's give them something to talk about. -Lady Gaga
- I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that. -Eminem
Born This Way by Lady Gaga
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don't be a drag, just be a queen,
Whether you're broke or evergreen
Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're Lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied, or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'Cause baby you were born this way
No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made
I'm on the right track baby
Day 2
To my crush, (whom I prefer to keep a private matter, hence the pseudonym)
I've known you for quite a long time, and the term 'long' is subjective. It may be days, weeks, months or years. Who knows? But I've admired you from afar, and you probably know that (no, not stalking). Long-term friends, certainly. And I do believe that people in a romantic relationship can also be each others' best friend, and not just an outlet for pleasure.
One day...Maybe... But for now, here's a song for you.
It's called Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
I've known you for quite a long time, and the term 'long' is subjective. It may be days, weeks, months or years. Who knows? But I've admired you from afar, and you probably know that (no, not stalking). Long-term friends, certainly. And I do believe that people in a romantic relationship can also be each others' best friend, and not just an outlet for pleasure.
One day...Maybe... But for now, here's a song for you.
It's called Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
I took my love and I took it downYours truly, B.
I climbed a mountain and I turned around
and I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
well, the landslide brought me down
Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life
Uh uh… uh uh, uh uh….
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older
and I’m getting older too
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Children get older
and I’m getting older too
Well, I’m getting older too
So... take this love and take it down
Yeah, and if you climb a mountain and you turn around
and if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well, the landslide brought it down
And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
Well maybe…
well maybe…
well maybe…
The landslide’ll bring you down
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Out of boredom.
It's about five-thirty in the evening, and the sun is still shining in all of it's magnificence, leaving the leaves tinted with a bright golden hue. A few branching or vines are flinging about overhead in the gentle caress of the warm summer (well it's the only season here in Malaysia) breeze. Opposite my house is a small complex of laterite hills, which reflect the sun's bright rays with a bright orange colour, which I found out is caused by iron oxides in the soil. I see a termite nest on the bark of a tree trunk over there and I remember the good ol' times I used to have with my childhood friends. We used to look for these nests and scrape them off the tree. Cruel, maybe. But to us, it was just an act of childish ignorance, and I regret nothing. You don't see me going around scraping people's skin off now do you? So just let it go.
Sitting here in my house, staring out the dusty ancient windows, through the bright sunlight, I see ten-year-old me over there on that hill, running around and living in the present. Fun, a single word to describe my childhood. Even though my life has been burdened with hardships, no one's life hasn't been, I still remain optimistic, a nervous wreck at times, but still always looking for the best. I am a optimistic person and no pessimists will ever change that. And I'm randomly babbling about this where nobody cares, this is a way to shave off some extra time, which I actually don't have.
But now, I only feel one word. Bored.
Sitting here in my house, staring out the dusty ancient windows, through the bright sunlight, I see ten-year-old me over there on that hill, running around and living in the present. Fun, a single word to describe my childhood. Even though my life has been burdened with hardships, no one's life hasn't been, I still remain optimistic, a nervous wreck at times, but still always looking for the best. I am a optimistic person and no pessimists will ever change that. And I'm randomly babbling about this where nobody cares, this is a way to shave off some extra time, which I actually don't have.
But now, I only feel one word. Bored.
Day 1
To my best friend (you know who you are),
I've got more than one very very good friend, but you're the best one <3
Hmm... let's see, I'm doing this for the 30-day letter challenge, so yeah. I doubt you will read this anyway. So I'll just go ahead and ramble. Sometimes I think we aren't compatible, but then you go and make things...well compatible again (I tried to find another word but, yeah, mindblock.) If you're too retarded to understand that :P It means you're awesome! :D (or something like that lol)
I hope you realize you're just awesome as well. Well I know you already know that, since you're a narcissist like me. But well, just in case you don' you do! And why the hell are you so smart? I feel jealous SOMETIMES, not always, because I know I'm smart too (lmao), but thanks for being there for me when I needed you, I think? (lol) Yes, I use a lot of brackets, DON'T JUDGE. Haha, oh well. Yeah, okay I'm just randomly using words to extend this letter.
Love the times we've had together (no, I'm not breaking up with you; no I don't mean that sarcastically).
From, B.
I've got more than one very very good friend, but you're the best one <3
Hmm... let's see, I'm doing this for the 30-day letter challenge, so yeah. I doubt you will read this anyway. So I'll just go ahead and ramble. Sometimes I think we aren't compatible, but then you go and make things...well compatible again (I tried to find another word but, yeah, mindblock.) If you're too retarded to understand that :P It means you're awesome! :D (or something like that lol)
I hope you realize you're just awesome as well. Well I know you already know that, since you're a narcissist like me. But well, just in case you don' you do! And why the hell are you so smart? I feel jealous SOMETIMES, not always, because I know I'm smart too (lmao), but thanks for being there for me when I needed you, I think? (lol) Yes, I use a lot of brackets, DON'T JUDGE. Haha, oh well. Yeah, okay I'm just randomly using words to extend this letter.
Love the times we've had together (no, I'm not breaking up with you; no I don't mean that sarcastically).
From, B.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Interesting notes:
- Marvel superheroes are awesome, today they re-enacted a scene at Pavilion KL, woah, so awesome.
- There is a sex toy shop in BB Plaza, LG floor, somewhere near the middle (I think?)
- Today I shirked off a guy which was trying to get me to buy something (scammer?) so I just rudely brushed him off and pulled my bro away, that guy was like 'walao' (I feel so proud now)
Well today was an...adventurous day, I guess I could say that. I followed dad to work today. After turning countless rounds in BB Plaza (which now I know is interconnected with Sungei Wang), I finally got to see the new place he works at, a tiny corner above Maxis at the main entrance, fixing Apple stuff (by the way, if anyone needs any repairs regarding iPhones, iPods, iPads or whatever, please proceed to the aforementioned place (haha, advertising) lol. Anyway, me and my bro went 'exploring' about the entire place. We went around BBPlaze, SungeiWang, LowYat, Pavillion and Times Square (5 malls with no intention of buying anything). Damn my feet are tired. Then go back to BBPlaza, and went to pick up mom for dinner. Long story short, we went to Plaza Damas (why do they have the call these malls 'Plaza' it sounds so old and I keep typing 'Plaze' for no apparent reason) and our car died, so we had to leave it there and take a cab, after dinner at a quaint little Russian restaurant at SoHo KL, Semovah, took cab to mom's workplace to get her car and now here I am (: Exhausted. Total of malls I've been to today: Seven (7)
I think my feet are numb now. I found a nice way to workout, dancing randomly to music :D You should try it.
Me, Myself and I.
Well, I'll tell you a little bit of myself. First off, if you know me in real life, which I'm actually positive you do, you would know that I'm a compulsive narcissist and talker. I'm kinda tall, I guess. And fat. God dammit, I'm fat. And I embrace the truth because I was (well not exactly) Born This Way. (Sorry, just HAD to make a Lady Gaga reference). I'm a fan of mainstream pop music (No, not ALL of them), Rihanna, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga (as you can see in the previous statement) are my favourites. No, I do not hate Justin Bieber. No, I'm not gay for not hating him. Yes, I'm offended by people using the word 'gay' as slander.
One thing, I love to cause controversies, because they're fun (duh). And insults, oh how I love insults. I personally can speak a few languages -- English (most commonly used), Chinese (kinda laggish), Malay (used in random quotes), Sarcasm (complementary to my speech of all languages), and Insults (because I like to). I used to be a VERY quiet guy. Wanna know why? Because as I am English-educated since young, I seldom speak Chinese, and guess what, I go to a Chinese school, nothing much to talk about (because I was shy to use speak in Chinese). And how about now? Awesomeness in its full magnificence.
And apparently, I'm reverting to childish ways lately, but they're like so much more fun than being a mature douche bag (lol). I, as the narcissist I am, likes to call myself many things, usually awesome. Apparently, I have been contaminated by my friends and now I have a sick mind. Thanks guys.
So, this is all, for now. Stay tuned for more. -B.
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