Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Day 8

Dear Janice Ooi, my favourite internet friend.

Hello Jan, this is a letter for you. You are my best and favourite internet friend (although you probably know that now 'cause I said it like twice already). Alas, I haven't actually met you in the flesh yet. So yeah lol. I got to know you through PW (like two years ago? Long time eh?) OMG Why do I currently have nothing to write.

OH YEAH. Today is your birthday! Happy birthday my non-blood related daughter :D May God bless you in every aspect you take part in. You'll always be my awesome daughter even though we're hundreds of miles (well kilometres here in Malaysia, but miles sounds nicer) apart. Okay, so I hope in like 5 years (yes 5, and I've told you why 5) we can finally meet up, by then I will be able to drive. Yay. So, I'm looking forward to when the day comes.

I enjoy chatting with you because it's like so awesome and I can tell you many things with no like awkwardness in between because, well we haven't met in real life yet. I don't why is that relevant to the aforementioned point but it feels like it is. We shall have a friendly debate soon. :D Yay.


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