Sunday, 5 June 2011

Day 5

To my dreams.
Dear dream (I shall address my goal first),

Yes, you, the one that's always filling my head with my future. Make up your (well my) mind already. Should I go for medicine or hospitality? Both sound interesting. You see the dilemma you're causing me (well you). And well the future seems pretty awesome the way you (well I) picture it. But there's so many other things to consider, but we'll just keep them as our dirty little secrets.

Dear dream (now I shall address the nocturnal illusions),

You torment me with real-life situations sometimes, but also give me hope and also sometimes make me feel like I have paranormal psionic abilities to predict the future if the dream comes true. I feel like a complete weirdo with some of the dreams, suggestive or nightmarish or just plain awesome or erotic or whatever else, but I was born this way baby! Hah (sorry, I just had to say that, lmao) Anyway, the dreams lately were awesome. Especially the time where I was in a shopping mall and there were man-eating vampires every where, and I could fly and cure them to make them become humans again. (To reader: you're jealous I'm so awesome). Maybe I shall post that uber dream sometime soon, maybe not, depends on my laziness and my memory of the subject.

To both dreams,

I love you both, you make me whole, and a sane person.


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