Sunday, 19 June 2011

Day 18

To the person that I wish I could be.
Well there are many people I wanna be, so yeah.

To Lady Gaga,

Holishyt, I wish I could be you. Not just because you're crazy and wacky, but also because you're mega-talented, you write your own songs, and can sing awesomely. Okay, maybe you're not the hottest person in the music business, but you're one kick-ass lady (Lady Gaga, get it?) You're also one for equality advocacy, which not many celebrities do. (Okay well a lot of them do, but that's just one of your philanthropic ventures right?). And super famous :D But it's not much about the fame part, I've actually never thought about that. And I just love your fashion sense, even though it's not ALWAYS awesome, but still. Gaga FTW. Paws up :D And you don't care what haters say about you. You don't give a shit (Y)

And to another person, real-life friend (who I wish to keep anonymous so you can randomly guess who),

You're like so smart and nice and awesome. Well I've already got the smart and and nice and awesome part (oh wait, I guess we're not that different, but still there are differences) Different personalities, I wonder how it would be like to be you. That is mind-boggling isn't it? Intriguing. Okay so maybe I'm not that smart, and I'm not that nice, and I'm not that awesome either. I'm just writing that to extend this letter so it won't feel so insincere.

Note: This can apply to many people, and it does. 

And to another, okay maybe not. (Hah!)


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