Thursday, 2 June 2011

Out of boredom.

It's about five-thirty in the evening, and the sun is still shining in all of it's magnificence, leaving the leaves tinted with a bright golden hue. A few branching or vines are flinging about overhead in the gentle caress of the warm summer (well it's the only season here in Malaysia) breeze. Opposite my house is a small complex of laterite hills, which reflect the sun's bright rays with a bright orange colour, which I found out is caused by iron oxides in the soil. I see a termite nest on the bark of a tree trunk over there and I remember the good ol' times I used to have with my childhood friends. We used to look for these nests and scrape them off the tree. Cruel, maybe. But to us, it was just an act of childish ignorance, and I regret nothing. You don't see me going around scraping people's skin off now do you? So just let it go.

Sitting here in my house, staring out the dusty ancient windows, through the bright sunlight, I see ten-year-old me over there on that hill, running around and living in the present. Fun, a single word to describe my childhood. Even though my life has been burdened with hardships, no one's life hasn't been, I still remain optimistic, a nervous wreck at times, but still always looking for the best. I am a optimistic person and no pessimists will ever change that. And I'm randomly babbling about this where nobody cares, this is a way to shave off some extra time, which I actually don't have.

But now, I only feel one word. Bored.

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